Prickelnde Sommerdrinks

Sparkling summer drinks

Sparkling summer drinks with and without alcohol

In summer we prefer refreshing, cold drinks. They should be nice and bubbly and tingling so that they invigorate and cheer us up even in sweaty temperatures. And please not too sweet, otherwise the drink will not quench our thirst, but will actually increase it! Luckily, the range of delicious summer drinks with and without alcohol is now quite large!

What will be the new summer drink of 2024?

Even if summer drinks are subject to certain trends from time to time: the good things remain! In this case, this refers to the popular Spritz drinks that have accompanied us through the warm months in recent years. No wonder: summer drinks like the Aperol Spritz , with their bittersweet note, put you in a good mood even when the thermometer reaches record-breaking heights. The “spritz version” of limoncello is also an ideal refreshing drink for the summer. In this case it is prepared with Prosecco and embodies a perfect holiday feeling. Another trend that we will probably hear a lot about in summer 2024 is the alcohol-free Herbi Spritz . Drivers can also enjoy it without worry, and it provides the ultimate boost of freshness on hot days. If you're looking for really "cool" summer drinks and their recipes, you should definitely try the following:
Simply 2 to 4 cl Dr. Fill Jaglas Herber Hibiscus with non-alcoholic Prosecco or alternatively non-alcoholic sparkling wine, add ice cubes and a bouquet of rosemary as a garnish, done! A tangy treat that guarantees tingling fun on the tongue!

Refreshing summer drinks with alcohol

Of course, in addition to the trends mentioned, there are many more summer drinks that get us through the warm season easily and carefree. A timeless classic, for example, is the punch. Our grandparents already loved the mixed drink with white wine, fruit and other ingredients. Today, the punch has long had cult status and is not only prepared for the currently popular 70s retro parties, but also for summer birthday parties, family reunions and neighborhood parties. Most people also associate the aperitif with moody summer evenings. It is served before a meal in the beach restaurant, but is also an integral part of almost every garden party. Cocktails and long drinks are as much a part of summer as the beach is of the sea. Typical ingredients are coconut, melon, strawberry, pineapple, papaya and mango. Depending on the recipe, this is accompanied by spirits such as vodka, rum, tequila and gin. But be careful: Especially when temperatures are very high and/or when the air is humid, cocktails and long drinks can quickly go to your head, as their alcohol content is often considerable! The consumption of summer drinks should always be kept within a certain limit. On the other hand, if you drink refreshing drinks without alcohol , you can enjoy sociable summer evenings with a clear head and don't have to worry about the dreaded hangover the next day. As the following paragraph shows, there are plenty of alternatives!

Refreshing summer drinks without alcohol

For many people it is clear: alcoholic summer drinks should not be missing at garden and barbecue parties, but also on cozy summer evenings on the balcony. But what about pregnant women, nursing mothers and people who avoid consuming alcohol? These people - and of course everyone else - don't have to miss out on first-class enjoyment and can quench their thirst with the delicious, alcohol-free alternatives from Dr. Jaglas breastfeeding. Summer drinks like Herber Hibiskus and San Limello are just as sparkling, fruity, refreshing and cheerful as alcoholic summer drinks. They stand for carefree joie de vivre and fun, for sophisticated enjoyment and fascinating taste experiences, but also for a strong “we feeling” and a completely new lifestyle that is increasingly on the rise. There is the San Limello with the irresistible taste of lemons, grapefruit and a subtle nuance of honey: without a doubt, it is more than just an equal replacement for the Limoncello, because it makes the taste buds rejoice and fills the heart and soul with a touch of "Bella Italia" . The herbal hibiscus has a no less fascinating aura and is also a prime example of refreshing drinks without alcohol. The potpourri of hibiscus flowers, elderberries, rosemary, vanilla and bitter orange is the perfect refreshing drink for the summer, it enchants the senses and automatically makes people smile. Just give it a try!

Delicious summer drinks for children

Even if children should primarily drink water and sugar-free tea in everyday life, many parents make an exception on hot summer days and also allow lemonade and soft drinks . Of course, parents should always decide this individually. An alternative could also be homemade summer drinks . Of course, we also have refreshing summer drink recipes: For example, puree the cubes of a watermelon together with strawberries and the juice of two limes and then fill the whole thing with water. Place the summer drink in the refrigerator and add ice cubes before serving. This refreshment is sure to be a hit with kids! Also delicious: A coconut milk shake made from 250 milliliters of coconut milk, 300 milliliters of milk, 200 grams of fresh pineapple and two ripe bananas. Puree everything well, cool and, if desired, sprinkle with coconut flakes before serving. So it doesn't always have to be a sugar bomb for children!

Dr. Christina Jagla

Ich heiße Christina Jagla, bin Apothekerin und gründete 2015 mein Unternehmen Dr. Jaglas in Berlin. Die Inspiration hinter der Markengründung war es, exklusive Kräuterspirituosen - sogenannte Elixiere - und alkoholfreie Alternativen, die in unserer Familienapotheke ihren Ursprung fanden, einem breiteren Publikum zugänglich zu machen. Die Entwicklung sowie Teile der Produktionen finden immer noch in unserer Familienapotheke statt. Diese besonderen Erzeugnisse bieten wir nun über eine Auswahl feiner Einzelhandelsgeschäfte, die Gastronomie, Apotheken sowie unseren eigenen Online-Shop auf an, wodurch sie mittlerweile ein weltweiter Stammkundschaft und Fangemeinde erreichen.

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Dr Jaglas Artischocken Elixier- in großer und kleiner Flasche und verschiedenen Kräuterkomponenten

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