DIE ZEIT Sondereditionen Apfel-Malven Elixier

DIE ZEIT Sonderedition: Apfel Malven-Elixier

Zum 77. Jubiläum durften wir erneut eine eigene Sonderedition für DIE ZEIT entwickeln, welche ein halbes Jahr exklusiv im Online-Shop DIE ZEIT als Apfel Malven-Elixier angeboten wurde und nun auch im ausgewählten Einzelhandel sowie direkt bei uns im Online-Shop in 500ml und 50ml erhältlich ist. Die gesamte Entwicklung in der eigenen Apotheke zog sich über 12 Monate.

Entstehung Apfel Malven Elixier 

Genuss-Empfehlungen zur DIE ZEIT Sonderedition Apfel-Malve

Das Apfel Malven-Elixier ist ein hochprozentiger Fruchtlikör, der sowohl als Aperitif im Sekt getrunken werden kann, mit Eiswürfeln im Tumbler oder pur - bei Raumtemperatur als Dessertlikör. Natürlich eignet er sich auch wunderbar über einem Sorbet oder Dessert.

[product product_handle="apfel-malven-elixier"]

Recipere & Food Pairings Apfel Malven-Elixier

  • Pur (mit Eiswürfeln) / Garnitur: Apfelscheiben
  • als „Spritz“: 2cl Elixier mit Prosecco auffüllen, Spritzer Soda
  • als Long Drink: 4cl Elixier mit Tonic Water auffüllen
  • über einem Sorbet oder Eis
  • zu weißer Schokolade & Nüssen
Auszug aus DIE ZEIT zum Apfel Malven Elixier von Dr. Jaglas

Weitere exklusive Sondereditionen


Gastgeschenke zur Hochzeit: Diese Ideen kommen garantiert gut an

Gastgeschenke zur Hochzeit: Diese Ideen kommen garantiert gut an

Auch heute noch ist eine Hochzeit mit schönen Traditionen und Bräuchen verbunden. Ob Brautentführung oder Schleiertanz, nur wenige Paare wollen darauf verzichten. Ein besonders beliebter Brauch ist das Gastgeschenk. Es erfüllt gleich mehrere Aufgaben. Zum einen soll es dem Gast als kleine Aufmerksamkeit eine Freude machen, zum anderen dient es aber auch als Erinnerung an das Fest. Außerdem lassen sich Gastgeschenke auf einer Hochzeit auch sehr gut als persönliche Tischkarten verwenden, denn sie können mit wenig Aufwand stilvoll individualisiert werden.

Fast immer entscheiden sich Brautpaare für trink- oder essbare Präsente, denn die kommen bei den Hochzeitsgästen am besten an. Außerdem besteht mit ihnen nicht die Gefahr, dass sie nach dem großen Tag achtlos in irgendeiner Schublade landen, denn sie können ganz einfach getrunken beziehungsweise gegessen werden. Ein besonders originelles und ausgefallenes Gastgeschenk stellen wir Ihnen heute vor: Die beliebten Mini-Spirituosen von Dr. Jaglas eignen sich nämlich hervorragend als Giveaway für die Hochzeit!

Darum sind unsere Minis die perfekten Gastgeschenke zur Hochzeit

Wer für eine Hochzeit Gastgeschenke sucht, möchte nicht "irgendetwas" verschenken, sondern Präsente, die so einzigartig und unvergesslich sind, wie der große Tag. Die Spirituosen von Dr. Jaglas im Mini-Format erfüllen diese Anforderungen perfekt. Sie werden liebevoll nach einer uralten Klosterapotheken-Rezeptur hergestellt und enthalten viele wertvolle Kräuter, Wurzeln und Blüten. Ob unser verführerisches Glühweinkräuter-Elixier für die Hochzeit im Winter, das Golfers Ginseng-Elixier als Premium Kräuterbitter (ideal auch nach dem üppigen Hochzeitsessen!) oder unser hochwertiger Dry GIN-seng Gin, der aus siebenfach destilliertem Weizenalkohol besteht und als destillierte Form vom Golfers Ginseng-Elixier ebenfalls eine hohe Kräuternote besitzt, Dr. Jaglas bietet alle alkoholhaltigen Spirituosen als Miniatur-Flaschen im praktischen Bundle an. Die Minis reichen für jeweils zwei Drinks und können pur - mit und ohne Eiswürfel - oder mit Tonic genossen werden. Das Glühweinkräuter-Elixier und das Apfel-Malven-Elixier schmecken auch ganz hervorragend mit Sekt: So können die Hochzeitsgäste auch zuhause noch einmal auf das Brautpaar anstoßen!

Sie wünschen sich für Ihre Hochzeit Gastgeschenke in edler Optik?

Auch dann sind die Dr. Jaglas Mini-Spirituosen die idealen Give-aways, denn die kleinen braunen Apothekerfläschchen präsentieren sich im nostalgischen Design und machen optisch jede Menge her. Sie haben nichts mit herkömmlichen Mini-Flaschen aus dem Supermarkt gemeinsam, sondern wirken elegant und festlich. Wie uns viele unserer Kunden bereits berichteten, werden sie später - wenn die hochprozentigen Gastgeschenke zur Hochzeit längst leergetrunken sind - gerne als Andenken oder Deko aufbewahrt und beispielsweise in eine Vitrine gestellt. Außerdem lassen sich die Mini-Flaschen ganz wunderbar und quasi im Handumdrehen personalisieren. Das schaffen auch Ungeübte problemlos!

Gastgeschenke von Dr.Jaglas

Dr. Jaglas Gastgeschenke zur Hochzeit: Kreative Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten und Ideen

Bei der Planung des Festes spielt die Hochzeitsdeko natürlich eine große Rolle. Sie soll hübsch und dem Anlass entsprechend sein, auf keinen Fall kitschig wirken und nach Möglichkeit einfach herzustellen sein. Das Gleiche gilt auch für die Platzkarten, für die häufig klassische Namensschilder verwendet werden. Dabei geht es doch viel kreativer und origineller! Als ausgefallenes Gastgeschenk können Sie die Dr. Jaglas Miniatur-Spirituosen nämlich zur geschmackvollen und schicken Tischkarte umfunktionieren. Wie das geht?

Verschönern Sie die kleinen Fläschchen einfach mit selbstgemachten Namensschildern! Sie könnten beispielsweise Fotokarton oder Kraftpapier nehmen, runde oder eckige Anhänger ausschneiden und diese dann mit Namen oder einem kurzen Spruch beschriften. Wer mag, verziert die Kärtchen im Anschluss noch mit Stiften oder Aufklebern. Gold- oder silberfarbene Stifte sehen besonders hübsch und festlich aus, Sie können aber auch einen guten Füllfederhalter oder schöne Glitzerstifte benutzen. Falls Sie "zwei linke Hände" haben oder die Zeit schlichtweg nicht reicht, um die Gastgeschenke zur Hochzeit zu gestalten, finden Sie in Bastelgeschäften und diversen Onlineshops auch fertige Anhänger, auf die Sie einfach nur noch die Namen schreiben müssen. Passende Bänder, mit denen Sie die Platzkärtchen an den Mini-Flaschen befestigen, sind meistens schon dabei. Ansonsten bieten sich dünne Kordeln, Geschenkbänder oder - für den ganz natürlichen Look - feine Jutebänder an.

Damit vor der Hochzeit die Gastgeschenke keinen Stress machen ...

Vor der Hochzeit sind Aufregung und Lampenfieber riesig. Haben wir an alles gedacht? Werden Trauung und Hochzeitsfest reibungslos und ohne Pannen ablaufen? Nutzen Sie darum jede Möglichkeit, Zeit zu sparen und den Überblick zu behalten, denn Sie möchten sich ja nicht als gestresste Nervenbündel das Jawort geben. Die Dr. Jaglas Mini-Spirituosen sind auch in dieser Hinsicht eine wertvolle Unterstützung.

Dank der dekorierten und beschrifteten Dr. Jaglas Mini-Fläschchen findet jeder Hochzeitsgast auf Anhieb seinen Platz an der Hochzeitstafel. Gleichzeitig dienen die liebevoll gestalteten Dr. Jaglas Mini-Spirituosen als zauberhafte Hochzeitsdeko, welche die festliche Tafel elegant in Szene setzt. Und später, wenn die Hochzeitsfeier vorbei ist, darf natürlich jeder Gast sein ganz persönliches Giveaway zur Hochzeit mit nach Haus nehmen. Kleine Flaschen, minimaler Aufwand, aber ein dreifacher Nutzen, nämlich als Deko, Tischkarte und Gastgeschenk zur Hochzeit: Damit ersparen Sie sich bei den Vorbereitungen jede Menge Stress und schonen Ihre Nerven! Konzentrieren Sie sich bei den Planungen für den schönsten Tag in Ihrem Leben also ruhig auf das Wesentliche und überraschen Sie Ihre Gäste mit einer stilvollen, hochwertigen und köstlichen Aufmerksamkeit!


Dekoidee: Dr. Jaglas Flasche als Blumenvase

Mehr als nur ein ausgefallenes Gastgeschenk: Unsere Minis als Welcome Drink

Natürlich können Sie unsere beliebten Mini-Spirituosen auch für viele andere Veranstaltungen verwenden. Für die Taufe, die Kommunion und die Konfirmation beispielsweise. Oder für runde Geburtstage und Jubiläen. Auch auf Firmenevents sorgen die spritzigen Minis für große Freude und unvergessliche Genussmomente. Unser Tipp für Ihre Veranstaltung: Bieten Sie Ihren Gästen doch mal einen außergewöhnlichen Welcome Drink an! Sie brauchen nur passende Gläser, eine ausreichende Menge Eiswürfel, die Dr. Jaglas Mini-Spirituosen, wobei die Auswahl der Sorten nach Lust und Laune erfolgen darf, Schaschlikspieße sowie bei Bedarf weitere Zutaten wie zum Beispiel Tonic Water, Sekt und/oder Zitronenscheiben.
Wie wäre es zum Beispiel mit einem spritzigen Gin-Cocktail? Bereiten Sie ihn nach Rezept oder nach individuellem Geschmack mit unseren Minis zu, geben Sie in jedes Glas einen Schaschlikspieß und stülpen Sie jeweils das leere Fläschchen kopfüber auf die Spitze des Spießes. Das sieht super aus und wird Ihre Gäste beeindrucken! So können Sie Ihren Welcome Drink auf besonders originelle und stilvolle Weise präsentieren, ohne das der Aufwand groß ist und Sie viel Zeit in die Vorbereitung investieren müssen.

Ein schöner Brauch: Das Gastgeschenk zur Hochzeit

Falls Sie vielleicht schon darüber nachgedacht haben, auf Gastgeschenke zur Hochzeit lieber zu verzichten, weil Sie keine Zeit für aufwendige Do-it-yourself-Projekte haben: Mit den Dr. Jaglas Mini-Spirituosen ist die kleine Aufmerksamkeit für Ihre Gäste im Nu vorbereitet. Gleichzeitig werden Sie an Ihrem großen Tag in glücklich-überraschte und begeisterte Gesichter blicken, denn mit einem derart originellen und hochwertigen Giveaway zur Hochzeit haben Ihre Gäste sicherlich nicht gerechnet. Geben Sie uns gerne ein kurzes Feedback, wie Ihr ausgefallenes Gastgeschenk angekommen ist: Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Rückmeldung und wünschen Ihnen von Herzen alles Gute für Ihren Start in die Ehe!

Auch perfekt für euren Hochzeitsempfang oder ein entspanntes Get together

Neben der Möglichkeit der Gastgeschenke kann das Brautpaar auch Drinks zum Empfang von uns anbieten. Dazu eignen sich ebenfalls die kleinen Gin Flaschen für einen Gin Tonic im Glas. 

Dr. Jaglas Gin als Hochzeitsgeschenk
Besonderheiten unseres Ginseng Gins & Gin Launch

Besonderheiten unseres Ginseng Gins & Gin Launch

2018 fand auf der Dachterrasse des Hotels Amano Zoe in Berlin unser großer Gin Launch statt, und alle sind gekommen: bekannte Influenzer, Einkäufer, aber auch Film- und Fernsehstars wie Tim Oliver Schultz (unter anderem bekannt aus "Club der roten Bänder", "Alarm für Cobra 11" und "Manta Manta - Zwoter Teil") sowie Luise Befort ("Club der roten Bänder", "Tatort").


Wir blicken noch immer mit großer Freude und auch einer guten Portion Stolz auf dieses Event zurück, denn damit begann die Erfolgsgeschichte unserer beliebten Gin-Sorten. Mittlerweile haben die köstlichen Spirituosen unzählige Fans und Anhänger, denn es hat sich herumgesprochen, dass sie etwas ganz Besonderes sind. Aber warum heben sich unsere Gins eigentlich von den meisten herkömmlichen Produkten, die man heutzutage in Supermärkten oder Onlineshops findet, ab? Genau das möchten wir Ihnen in diesem Beitrag erklären!


Dr. Jaglas Gin Sorten

Unsere Gin-Sorten: Die Herstellung macht den Unterschied

Was macht unseren Gin absolut einzigartig?

  • zuckerfrei
  • vierfach destiliert 
  • fünffach gefiltert
  • 100% reiner Weizenalkohol
  • hohe Kräuternote (über 30 Klosterkräuter)
  • unsere Kräuter sind zertifiziert für ihre hohe Reinheit und haben ein Gehalt an Ätherischen Ölen nach Deutscher Arzneibuch Qualität
  • design prämierter Geschenkkarton
  • Navy Gin (50%vol)

Die meisten Sorten Gin bestehen fast immer aus Neutralalkohol oder Alkohol landwirtschaftlichen Ursprungs. Wir haben uns von Anfang dafür entschieden, einen anderen Weg zu gehen, und verwenden für unsere klassischen Gins hundertprozentigen Weizenalkohol. Dafür gibt es gute Gründe. Weizenalkohol besitzt eine dezent süße Note, und das wiederum sorgt dafür, dass das Endprodukt milder und trotzdem vollmundiger schmeckt. Darüber hinaus ist Weizenalkohol im Vergleich zu vielen anderen Sorten reiner und auch nachhaltiger. Das Getreide wächst nämlich bekanntlich sehr schnell, und das auch noch in den unterschiedlichsten Klimazonen und Böden. Der Bedarf an Wasser und Dünger ist zudem nicht sehr hoch. Oder anders ausgedrückt: Die Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt halten sich bei der Herstellung von Weizenalkohol in Grenzen. Gewonnen wird er durch Fermentation und Destillation von Weizenkörnern. Da der Gin bei uns 7-fach destilliert und 5-fach gefiltert wird, lässt er sich auch ganz wunderbar pur genießen. Tonic und andere Zutaten können also für die Zubereitung von kreativen Getränken ein tolles Extra sein, sie dürfen aber auch gerne weggelassen werden. Unsere Variante der Gin Verkostung (mit der kleinen Flasche im Glas) wird mittlerweile von bekannten Firmen übernommen und eignet sich ideal für die Gin Cocktail Garnierung oder Deko. 

Dr. Jaglas Gin Flasche als Cocktail Garnierung

Erlesene Kräuter sorgen für erstklassige Aromen

Dass sich unsere Gins geschmacklich so von der breiten Masse abheben, liegt nicht zuletzt an den hochwertigen Kräutern, die wir sorgfältig für Sie ausgewählt haben. Mehr als 30 erlesene Klosterkräuter kommen zum Einsatz. Und das sind nicht einfach "irgendwelche" gesammelten Kräuter, sondern sie wurden zuvor nach den strengen Prüfmethoden entweder des Deutschen Arzneibuches oder des Europäischen Arzneibuches überprüft. Auf diese Weise konnten wir ihre Reinheit und ihren Gehalt einwandfrei bestimmen. Reiner und gehaltvoller können Kräuter somit nicht sein, und wir sind davon überzeugt, dass auch Sie diesen Unterschied schmecken werden. Interessant für Sie zu wissen ist auch die Tatsache, dass unser Gin die destillierte Form des Golfers Ginseng-Elixiers ist. Das bedeutet, zuerst stellen wir das Golfers Ginseng-Elixier her, und daraus destillieren wir dann unseren feinen Dry Gin.

Ja, das Verfahren ist aufwendig, aber in Kombination mit den Kräutern und Aromen erzielen wir auf diese Weise ein Ergebnis, das selbst erfahrene und kritische Gin-Kenner begeistert. Probieren Sie doch gerne selbst!

Als stilvolles Geschenk oder zum Selbstbehalten: Navy-Gin in eleganter Verpackung

In Deutschland gehört der sogenannte Navy-Gin zu den Gins mit dem höchsten Alkoholgehalt. Sein Name lässt sich auf seinen Ursprung zurückführen: In früheren Zeiten wurde Gin nämlich hauptsächlich für die Seefahrer hergestellt, und je höher der Alkoholgehalt war, desto mehr krankmachende Keime und Bakterien hat er abgetötet. Unser Gin kann auf stolze 50 Volumenprozent verweisen. Und auch wenn Sie nicht zur See fahren, werden Sie die einzigartige und natürlich zuckerfreie Rezeptur mit der hohen Kräuternote lieben.

Die schöne braune Apothekerflasche in nostalgischer Optik und die liebevoll gestaltete Verpackung, die für ihr Design sogar prämiert wurde, machen aus diesem ganz besonderen Gin ein außergewöhnliches und sehr hochwertiges Geschenk für einen lieben Menschen. Natürlich können Sie ihn auch ganz einfach selbst genießen: Belohnen Sie sich also hin und wieder ruhig mit unserem edlen Tropfen dafür, dass Sie die Herausforderungen des Alltags so bravourös meistern!

[product product_handle="gin-seng" ]

Gin Auswahl für kreative Rezeptideen

Abschließend noch der Rezepttipp für unseren ganz persönlichen Lieblingsdrink, den Negroni: Mixen Sie einfach zu gleichen Teilen Gin, Wermut und als Alternative für Campari eines unserer Elixiere, garnieren Sie das Ganze mit Bio-Orangenscheiben und geben Sie nach Belieben Eiswürfel dazu. Ein unbeschreiblicher Genuss!

Rezepte mit Limoncello: Es geht (und schmeckt!) auch ohne Alkohol

Rezepte mit Limoncello: Es geht (und schmeckt!) auch ohne Alkohol

Der italienische Zitronenlikör Limoncello ist nicht nur ein beliebter Digestif, er wird mit seiner fruchtigen Note auch sehr gerne zum Kochen und Backen verwendet. Doch aufgepasst: Es ist ein Irrglaube, dass Alkohol auf dem Herd oder im Backofen vollständig verdampft. Je nach Menge ist er auch nach längerem Erhitzen in einer mehr oder weniger starken Konzentration in der Speise enthalten. Das ist für Kinder, schwangere und stillende Frauen, aber auch für Menschen, die konsequent auf Alkohol verzichten, natürlich ein Problem. Doch müssen diese deswegen auf viele leckere Köstlichkeiten verzichten? Nein, keineswegs! Ersetzen Sie den alkoholhaltigen Likör bei der Zubereitung doch einfach durch den leckeren alkoholfreien Limoncello von Dr. Jaglas! Die Rezepte werden Ihnen mindestens ebenso gut gelingen, und das Ergebnis schmeckt einfach himmlisch. Und das Beste: Davon kann wirklich jeder kosten!

Eines der leckersten Rezepte mit Limoncello: Tiramisu

Im Sommer ist Tiramisu mit Limoncello herrlich erfrischend. Probieren Sie doch mal die Variante ohne Alkohol! Sie brauchen:

  • ca. 30 Löffelbiskuits
  • 250 g Mascarpone
  • 200 g Schmand
  • 1 Zitrone
  • 3 Esslöffel Naturjoghurt
  • 1 Vanilleschote
  • 50 g Puderzucker
  • 2 Teelöffel Zucker
  • und anstelle von 100 ml Limoncello einfach die gleiche Menge San Limello von Dr. Jaglas


15 Löffelbiskuits in eine Auflaufform legen und mit 50 ml San Limello beträufeln. Mascarpone und Schmand mit dem Naturjoghurt verrühren. Die Zitrone auspressen und zusammen mit dem ausgekratzten Mark aus der Vanilleschote zur vorbereiteten Creme geben. Den Puderzucker darüber sieben und die Masse weiter verrühren, bis sie schön cremig ist. Die Hälfte der Creme auf den Löffelbiskuits verteilen, dann die restlichen Löffelbiskuits darüber schichten und mit dem restlichen San Limello beträufeln. Jetzt noch den Rest der Creme darauf verteilen und die Form mehrere Stunden in den Kühlschrank stellen.

Dr. Jaglas Rezeptideen Tiramisu mit Limoncello

Backen mit Limoncello: Italienischer Zitronenkuchen

Eine weitere Köstlichkeit aus "Bella Italia", die mit einem frischen Geschmack begeistert! Ohne Alkohol ist der Limoncello-Kuchen der Hit auf jeder Kaffeetafel!


  • 250 g Weizenmehl Typ 405
  • 150 g Zucker
  • 200 g weiche Butter
  • 4 mittelgroße Eier
  • 1 Bio-Zitrone
  • 1 Esslöffel Speisestärke
  • 3 Teelöffel Backpulver
  • 150 ml San Limello als Alternative zum Limoncello
  • 200 g Puderzucker


Butter und Zucker schaumig rühren, dann die Eier dazugeben. Die ausgepresste Zitrone und die abgeriebene Schale zum Teig geben. Nun das mit Stärke und Backpulver vermischte Mehl sowie 50 ml San Limello hinzufügen. Jetzt den Teig in eine vorbereitete Springform füllen und etwa 35 bis 40 Minuten bei 180 Grad Celsius (Ober-/Unterhitze) backen. Den fertigen Kuchen noch heiß mit weiteren 50 ml San Limello bestreichen. Abkühlen lassen. Zum Schluss eine Glasur aus Puderzucker und dem restlichen San Limello herstellen und den Kuchen damit überziehen. Guten Appetit!
Zusatztipp: Probieren Sie doch auch mal einen Käsekuchen mit alkoholfreiem Limoncello!

Dr Jaglas Rezeptideen Zitronenkuchen mit Limoncello

Kochen mit Limoncello: Linguine

Pasta mal anders, und die schmecken sooo gut!


  • 500 g Linguine
  • 200 ml Sahne
  • 60 g Parmesan (gerieben)
  • 1 Zitrone
  • etwas Petersilie, Salz und Pfeffer
  • Olivenöl
  • 4 cl San Limello


Die Linguine al dente kochen. In der Zwischenzeit die abgeriebene Zitronenschale in einer Pfanne mit Olivenöl andünsten und mit 50 ml Wasser ablöschen. Sahne, die ausgepresste Zitrone und den San Limello hinzufügen und ein paar Minuten köcheln lassen. Den Parmesan beimengen und alles gut durchrühren. Nach Geschmack mit Salz und Pfeffer würzen, mit der Pasta vermengen und das Ganze mit etwas Petersilie garnieren.
Ein Hauch "Dolce Vita" in hiesigen Gefilden, und das ganz ohne Alkohol, aber mit dem typischen Geschmack nach Zitronenlikör!

Dr. Jaglas Rezeptidee Pasta Linguine mit Limoncello

Rezepte mit Limoncello: Verführerisches Limoncello-Joghurt-Eis

Dieses Eis schmeckt selbst an grauen Tagen und macht einfach gute Laune! Außerdem geht es blitzschnell!


  • 300 g Joghurt
  • 250 ml Sahne
  • 1 Zitrone
  • 75 g Puderzucker
  • 175 ml San Limello


Puderzucker, Joghurt, San Limello, Zitronensaft und abgeriebene Zitronenschale verrühren. Steif geschlagene Sahne unterheben und alles gefrieren lassen.

Zum Abschluss noch ein kleiner Extratipp: Geben Sie über Ihr Lieblings-Sorbet einfach einen Schuss alkoholfreien Limoncello von Dr. Jaglas. So wird aus einem klassischen Dessert eine wahre Geschmacksexplosion!

Dr Jaglas Rezeptideen Joghurteis mit Limoncello
Food Pairing

food pairing

Food pairing can be a fascinating culinary journey where flavors and textures fuse together. In combination with various elixirs and gins, unforgettable taste experiences are created.

Ingredients for food pairings

Artichoke Elixir : Oysters / Olives / Dark Chocolate
Maca Ginseng Elixir : Nut Chocolate / Espresso / Steak
Golfers Ginseng Elixir : Fish / Dark Chocolate / Salad
Mulled wine herbal elixir : red cabbage / gingerbread / drinking chocolate
Dry Ginseng Gin : (grilled) vegetables / olives / sorbet
Tart hibiscus : chocolate / figs / nuts
San Limello : Crackers / Seafood / Fruit

Preparation time : 2 mins.
Level : easy

Arrangement of food pairing

  • Place the main ingredient in the center of the plate or glass.
  • Decorate the dish with complementary foods or spices.
  • Provide a pleasant atmosphere and matching cutlery/glassware.

Food pairing

Artichoke Elixir with oysters, Maca Ginseng Elixir with espresso and steak, Golfers Ginseng Elixir with fish, Mulled Wine Herb Elixir with red cabbage, Dry Ginseng Gin with grilled vegetables, Herbal Hibiscus with chocolate and San Limello with seafood and fruit - every combination awakens the senses in a unique way. Discover the art of food pairing and experience culinary harmony.
Käse Pairing

Cheese pairing

Pairing cheese with different drinks is an art that can create unique taste experiences. From mild goat cheeses to strong blue cheeses, the different varieties offer a wide range of flavors and textures that can harmonize wonderfully with selected drinks.

Ingredients for Cheese Pairing

Artichoke Elixir : Swabian cream cheese
Maca Ginseng Elixir : Allgäu country cheese
Golfers Ginseng Elixir : Roque Blue Cheese
Mulled wine herbal elixir : Chevre Noir cheese
Dry Ginseng Gin : Regowbert cheese
Tart hibiscus : mild goat cheese
San Limello : Burrata

Preparation time : 2 mins.
Level : easy

Arrangement of Cheese Pairing

  • Place the main ingredient in the center of the plate or glass.
  • Decorate the dish with complementary foods or spices.
  • Provide a pleasant atmosphere and matching cutlery/glassware.

Cheese pairing

Cheese pairing is a diverse art that balances the flavors and textures of cheese with selected drinks. In our journey of discovery through this culinary world we find fascinating harmonies, such as the mild goat cheese, which harmonizes perfectly with San Limello , or the strong Roque Blue cheese, which complements the Golfers Ginseng elixir . Each combination opens up a unique taste experience and invites you to explore the world of cheese pairings.
Unterschied Melissengeist, Hildegard von Bingen, Bitterstern & Dr. Jaglas Elixiere

Difference between lemon balm spirit, Hildegard von Bingen, Bitterstern & Dr. Jaglas elixirs

Klosterfrau Melissengeist, Hildegard von Bingen, Bitterstern and Dr. Jaglas elixirs: What are the differences?

Almost every household has either Klosterfrau Melissengeist , Bitterstern or a product that was developed according to the teachings of Hildegard von Bingen . Many even swear by all three variants. But how do the products actually differ? Do they all contain the same bitter herbs or bitter substances ?

Klosterfrau Melissengeist at a glance

Klosterfrau Melissengeist is marketed by the Klosterfrau Healthcare Group, which is based in Zurich (Switzerland). The traditional herbal medicine was originally invented around 200 years ago by a nun who founded her company Maria Clementine Martin Klosterfrau in Cologne in 1826. Throughout her life, she devoted herself passionately to researching herbal healing powers. Her so-called melissa water quickly became very popular and is still used today to treat a wide variety of ailments.

What is in Klosterfrau Melissengeist?

Klosterfrau Melissengeist is composed of 13 different medicinal herbs:

  • Elecampane rhizome
  • Angelica root
  • Gentian root
  • Galangal rhizome
  • Cloves
  • Ginger rhizome
  • Cardamom seeds
  • Lemon balm leaves
  • Nutmeg seeds
  • Bitter orange peel
  • Black pepper fruits
  • Cinnamon blossoms
  • Cinnamon bark

The recipe contains high-proof alcohol to ensure that the valuable active ingredients and bitter substances are optimally extracted from the medicinal plants, are preserved over the long term and harmful bacteria have no chance. This serves as a replacement for synthetic preservatives, but also ensures that the natural healing power can develop perfectly. Ethanol has the property of improving the absorption of certain active ingredients in our digestive tract.

Five milliliters of Klosterfrau Melissengeist contain 3.1 grams of alcohol. This corresponds to 79 percent by volume. The recipe is therefore intended exclusively for adults, and the dosage recommendations should be strictly observed.

What does Klosterfrau Melissengeist help with?

Klosterfrau Melissengeist can help with a wide range of complaints. These include colds and gastrointestinal complaints as well as nervousness, inner restlessness, sensitivity to the weather and insomnia. When the remedy is applied externally, it helps to relieve muscle tension and sore muscles.

Products based on the original recipes of Hildegard von Bingen

Hildegard von Bingen lived from 1098 to 1179 and was not only a Benedictine nun, abbess, composer and poet, but also a gifted scholar in the fields of natural sciences and medicine, who was passionate about holistic medicine. Some call her "Germany's first female doctor to write" because she wrote two important works on natural sciences and medicine: Physica and Causae et curae. Even then, Hildegard von Bingen knew how valuable and beneficial bitter herbs and their bitter substances are.

The products offered today by a wide range of manufacturers are based on the knowledge of scholars that has been passed down over centuries. They are available as drops and capsules, as a potion and as skin care products. Most of them are said to be the old original recipes, and great importance is attached to preserving and passing on Hildegard von Bingen 's advice in its original form.

Although the composition of the products is usually very different, the focus is always on raw materials from Mother Nature. From A for elecampane leaves to L for lungwort to Z for zedoary root, the spectrum of medicinal plants is broad. Many products are also made on an alcohol basis, although the concentration is usually not as high as in Klosterfrau Melissengeist. For example, a potion with hart's tongue herb or carnation root usually contains around nine percent alcohol.

A typical herbal bitter based on a recipe by Hildegard von Bingen , which contains many important bitter substances, has a volume of 35 to 40 percent. It is one of the few "universal recipes" of the scholars, which means that it promotes general well-being (even after eating), invigorates, refreshes and gives new energy.

What should you look out for when buying Hildegard von Bingen products?

Since there are many different suppliers, you should always take a close look at the exact composition of the products. Purity is also an important aspect. All bitter herbs and ingredients used should be as pure and high quality as possible. The method of preparation is also important. Therefore, rely on manufacturers who use gentle methods that do not impair the valuable bitter substances.

Things to know about Bitterstar

Bitterstern is a brand of the manufacturer Laetitia, which has been around since 1992. The company was founded by a Munich-based alternative practitioner, and two years later a naturopathic doctor joined the company. The products are based on findings from medicine, natural science, naturopathy and empirical medicine. Since 2019, Laetitia has been part of the family business Dr. C. SOLDAN natural and health products.

As a herbal bitter, Bitterstern contains extracts from 17 herbs and plants. Many of these, but not all, are also contained in Klosterfrau Melissengeist . The application is completely different, however, because the bitter substances are not absorbed by ingesting them using a measuring cup, but by dripping them under the tongue. This is supposed to make the active ingredients particularly effective. Bitterstern also contains a relatively high amount of alcohol: a value of 59 percent by volume is stated.

At least seven drops can be placed under the tongue up to five times a day. Since the bitter substances are also good for children, pregnant women and recovering alcoholics, the manufacturer recommends that the bitter herbs be boiled before administration to the relevant groups of people so that the alcohol can evaporate.

What effect does Bitterstar have?

Bitterstern has been tried and tested for 30 years. The bitter substances can regulate appetite, aid digestion and promote general well-being. The bitter drops are free of artificial preservatives.

Dr. Jaglas Elixirs

The popular Dr. Jaglas artichoke , maca and ginseng elixirs are herbal bitters with over 30 monastery herbs. The elixirs mainly contain herbs that are known from medicine, not from food.
Dr. Jaglas' artichoke, ginseng and maca elixirs are based on a medieval monastery pharmacy recipe. This monastery elixir is comparable to Klosterfrau Melissengeist and is produced and sold exclusively in the Jaglas family pharmacy. The bottle is labeled: "One teaspoon after eating", as the elixirs are suitable for consumption after eating. The elixir consists of 13 tinctures, each of which consists of 1-3 herbs such as lemon balm tincture, arnica tincture and cinchona bark tincture.
How the herbal tinctures are made is taken from the German Pharmacopoeia. The different tinctures mature for different lengths of time and are only combined at the end.
Only herbs, berries, roots and barks with a high content of essential oils and bitter substances are used in production. To ensure that these herbs also have this high content of essential oils, only herbs that are certified according to German Pharmacopoeia quality are used. This quality level indicates that a standardized high content of ingredients such as bitter substances and essential oils is included and the correspondingly high purity is guaranteed.
The alcohol in the elixirs is necessary to dissolve the bitter substances and essential oils. The elixirs can be used either teaspoon by teaspoon after a meal, as a digestif 2cl at room temperature, with ice cubes or simply as a base for drinks, e.g. with tonic or sparkling wine. They are also great as an aperitif. If you only want the bitter substances , you can also put a teaspoon in a glass of mineral water. Since the elixirs are primarily bitter herbs with a high content of bitter substances, they are also called herbal bitters, stomach bitters, digestifs, semi-bitters or amaros. All statements are correct.
Elixir on iceElixirs in glass setElixirs in large bottles

What does elixir mean according to the Brockhaus Lexicon?

The word " elixir " is often defined in many dictionaries, including Brockhaus, as an extract from medicinal herbs.

Messen 2025

Trade fairs 2024

All trade fair dates for the current year at a glance

May 2024

Kronberg Gourmet Fair

Sunday, 05.05.2024

Opening hours:

  • Sunday 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

June 2024

Tasting at the zero percent Späti in Berlin

Sunday, 02.06.2024

TrendsUp West Düsseldorf

Saturday to Monday, from 29.06.2024 to 01.07.2024

Opening hours:

  • Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
  • Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
  • Monday 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

July 2024

TrendSet Munich

Saturday to Sunday, from 06.07.2024-08.07.2024

Opening hours:

  • Saturday 09:00 to 18:00
  • Sunday 09:00 to 18:00
  • Monday 09:00 to 17:00

September 2024

Gourmet Summit Cologne

Monday, 02.09.2024

Opening hours:

  • Monday 09:00 to 18:00

Rolling Pin Berlin

Monday to Tuesday, from 30.09.2024-01.10.2024

October 2024

Expopharm Munich

Wednesday to Thursday, from 09.10.2024-12.10.2024


Monday to Tuesday, from 14.10.2024-16.10.2024

Opening hours:

  • 14-15.10.2024 from 11:00 to 19:00
  • 16.10.2024 from 11:00 to 18:00

November 2024

Plaza Culinaria Freiburg

Friday to Sunday, from 08.11.2024-10.11.2024

Opening hours:

  • Friday 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
  • Saturday 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
  • Sunday 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Malteser Charity Bazaar Kronberg

Friday to Saturday, from 22.11.2024-23.11.2024

Opening hours:

  • Friday 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
  • Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Christmas market Lichterfelde

Die Degustation und ihre Bedeutung

The tasting and its importance

The term degustation comes from French and means tasting. In modern slang, however, it is also often called tasting. It means the same thing: assessing the taste or comparing drinks, usually alcoholic. A tasting is not only an enjoyable and sensual experience, it is also a lot of fun. We would like to tell you a little more about this beautiful tradition.

Historical background and different types of tasting

Even in ancient times, the Romans and Greeks met to celebrate and drink. Wine tastings were an integral part of social gatherings and were already celebrated at that time. Other alcoholic beverages were gradually added. Later, in the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Napoleonic era and the industrialization of the 19th century, tastings were often important social events. Today, a distinction is made between professional tastings and tastings for purely pleasure and information purposes.

Professional tasting often takes place under strictly controlled conditions in a laboratory. The focus is on quality assurance. Usually several so-called tasters take part. They prepare a comprehensive, written report of their sensory impressions during the tasting. In this way, luxury goods can be assessed according to a wide variety of individual characteristics, which in turn all together result in a comprehensive report. These individual characteristics include the smell, taste and color of the product.

As a rule, professional tasters are always non-smokers. With good reason, of course, because tobacco consumption has a major impact on the human olfactory organs!

What is a blind tasting?

If the tasters do not know which brands the drinks are because they are deliberately offered in neutral or identical glasses, this is a blind tasting. This enables a particularly objective and unbiased assessment, because the tasters are not influenced in their assessment by a brand, a certain image or the price of the product. It has also been shown time and again that spirits, but also wines, are assessed very differently in a blind tasting than in an open tasting .

Why are amateur tastings so popular?

As already mentioned, there are also amateur tastings for enjoyment and information purposes, and these have been growing in popularity for some time. No wonder: The focus here is on fun, enjoying and comparing fine spirits. You don't have to be an expert to take part in such a tasting or even to do it at home with loved ones. It's more about identifying small but subtle differences and perhaps finding out which spirit is your personal favorite. The exchange of opinions and experiences with like-minded people makes amateur tasting an experience that is as exciting as it is interesting.

The process of a tasting

The fine elixirs from Dr. Jaglas, with their exquisite aromas, fascinating scents and extraordinary taste experiences, are of course perfect for tasting . You can taste the specialties in a particularly stylish way with the Dr. Jaglas tasting glasses . They resemble classic shot glasses, but can also be used for measuring or making creative drinks.

The mouth-blown Dr. Jaglas dispenser with natural cork is also available. It allows you to pour out absolutely cleanly and precisely and holds exactly 2 cl, which corresponds to one shot. For long drinks with 4 cl, simply use it twice: for example for a delicious gin and tonic or a hibiscus or limello spritz .

The dispenser is dishwasher safe and can also be used as a cork replacement for other bottles. A super practical and at the same time elegant accessory for the home bar, kitchen, party cellar or living room!

What is Roulier?

For the tasting itself, we recommend the so-called rolling technique, which is also used by professionals and experts. You may already be familiar with the procedure from a wine tasting. You roll the elixirs slowly in the front area of ​​the mouth so that the sensitive taste buds in the palate and mouth are optimally moistened. Rolling offers several advantages and is considered by connoisseurs to be the best technique for tasting .

On the one hand, you can taste the different herbs in an elixir much better individually, because they do not develop simultaneously, but one after the other. This effect is roughly comparable to the successive notes of a symphony or the pearls on a precious pearl necklace. The unusually long and impressive finish, which is characteristic of Dr. Jaglas' elixirs and for which they have become famous, is also perfectly noticeable through rolling.

Another very exciting effect of this professional tasting technique : you feel the effect of the bitter substances contained in the bitter herbs. They cause saliva to shoot up, and this already contains the first digestive enzymes. In other words: thanks to the bitter substances, digestion begins in the mouth!

Have you already thought about which Dr. Jaglas specialty you would like to start your tasting with? Your taste buds will definitely be in for a treat! So if you are asked what the tasting is all about: it is first and foremost a sophisticated and sophisticated pleasure!

Koffein und Alkohol: Das perfekte Duo für köstliche Kreationen

Caffeine and alcohol: the perfect duo for delicious creations

Drinks containing caffeine and alcohol are among the most popular luxury items in the world. They have been an integral part of drinking culture for centuries and in countless countries. And not just individually: the combination of coffee and alcohol also results in delicious creations that provide very special moments of enjoyment and can even have positive effects.

The effect of caffeine and alcohol

Coffee and alcohol have one thing in common: the broad and complex spectrum of individual flavors. Each one gives us unique sensory experiences and lets us immerse ourselves in fantastic worlds of pleasure. However, the effects of caffeine and alcohol are very different.

What effect does coffee have on the body and mind?

Whether as an early morning pick-me-up or as a rescue from the famous afternoon slump, coffee has an uplifting effect that reduces tiredness and increases both alertness and concentration. It can even improve short-term memory. This is due to the caffeine it contains, a stimulant that is absorbed very quickly by our stomach and intestines. The effect is noticeable after just 20 minutes. When the caffeine is broken down in the body, the effect slowly wears off.

How does alcohol work?

Alcohol has a depressant effect on our nervous system. This means that moderate amounts have a relaxing effect and reduce inhibitions. Mood improves in the short term, fears are relieved, negative feelings diminish and insecurities are easier to overcome. Nevertheless, it is of course important to use alcohol responsibly and consumption should always be moderate.

Great recipes with the combination of caffeine and alcohol

The aromas of coffee and alcohol complement each other, creating a perfect symbiosis and merging with each other. In this way, the interaction creates a completely harmonious balance that is an absolute pleasure for most people and pampers the taste buds. It is not for nothing that drinks containing caffeine and alcohol are among the greatest culinary delights in the world. The following examples will make every gourmet's mouth water.

One of the most famous examples is undoubtedly Irish coffee, a coffee with a shot , the origins of which were purely practical. A shot of Irish whiskey is added to hot, slightly sweetened coffee. The whole thing is crowned with a topping of whipped, but still slightly runny cream and, if desired, a few chocolate shavings. Especially on cold and rainy days, Irish coffee warms the body from the inside, while the slightly sweet taste ensures real moments of happiness. It was invented in the 1940s in an Irish airport restaurant, where it was intended to "sweeten" the time for waiting passengers.

The Espresso Martini is a brilliant mix of coffee and alcohol and actually has a misleading name. It doesn't contain any Martini, it's just served in a Martini glass, and that's "only" for purely aesthetic reasons. The popular drink was an absolute cult drink in the 1990s and is currently experiencing a revival. Its ingredients are impressive. The Espresso Martini consists of vodka, coffee liqueur and espresso. Whole coffee beans are often used to decorate the top. The drink is served cold, but no ice should be added. Enjoy!

The Café Royale with caffeine and alcohol is not only a feast for the eyes in terms of taste, but also in terms of appearance. To make this French speciality, first pour some cognac into a coffee cup. Heat the spirit and then flambé it. Then dissolve a teaspoon of sugar that you have soaked in cognac over the flame and caramelize it. Add it to the cognac in the cup and pour hot coffee over it. This high-proof hot drink is not so well known, but it is super tasty. And above all, it proves very impressively how perfectly caffeine and alcohol harmonize with each other and how beneficial a coffee with a shot can be!

If you fancy a very special drink with caffeine and alcohol , try the Espresso corretto as a Dr. Jaglas Stimulizer . The mix of artichoke, ginseng and maca elixir as well as freshly prepared espresso invigorates the senses and gives you new energy. The combination of carefully selected herbs, high-quality alcohol and the strong aromas of the espresso ensure this. The Espresso corretto is a great pick-me-up that will inspire you and give you an extra portion of power and enthusiasm for planned activities.

Are there any recipe ideas for desserts with caffeine and alcohol?

The classic Tiramisu in the recipe version with elixirs from Dr. Jaglas shows that caffeine and alcohol not only form a strong duo for drinks with caffeine and alcohol, but also make some desserts a dreamy treat. Literally translated, the Italian term Tiramisu means "pull me up", and that pretty much hits the nail on the head. After a sumptuous meal, we all fall into a bit of a slump. The caffeine contained in the coffee gives us new energy, and the bitter substances contained in the Dr. Jaglas elixirs aid digestion. The small amount of sugar is also an ideal solution for the sugar slump after eating.

Kalorienarme Getränke als wichtiger Bestandteil einer ausgewogenen Ernährung

Low-calorie drinks as an important part of a balanced diet

Most people are careful not to consume too many calories in their food. Too many calories will ultimately lead to obesity in the long run. However, it is often forgotten that drinks also contain many hidden calories. A healthy and balanced diet should therefore mainly consist of low-calorie drinks .

What exactly are low-calorie drinks?

In any case, they contain significantly fewer calories. This is naturally the case for some drinks, while in others the calorie content is artificially reduced by replacing the sugar content with various sweeteners. Basically, however, the term " low-calorie drinks " is a generic term that has become established in everyday language as a synonym for a wide variety of types of drinks, which is why misunderstandings sometimes arise when shopping. It is therefore worth memorizing the exact definitions, as they provide information about how many calories a drink actually contains.

Low-calorie drinks and their differences

Low-calorie drinks are often mentioned in advertising. Since the introduction of the Health Claims Regulation in 2007, clear requirements have to be met in order to use this term: a low-calorie product must contain at least 30 percent fewer calories than a comparable drink. The same guideline applies to the terms "light" and "leicht".

The requirements for the use of the term "low-calorie drinks" are even more precise. They must not contain more than 20 calories per 100 milliliters. According to the regulation, a drink is calorie-free if it contains no more than four calories per 100 milliliters. Drinks with a sugar content of no more than 0.5 grams per 100 milliliters are considered "sugar-free". However, these may also contain sweeteners.

What does "no added sugar" mean?

In this case, no mono- or disaccharides and no foods with a sweetening effect may be added to the drink.

The advantages and disadvantages of low-calorie drinks

The most important advantage is of course the lower calorie content. However, drinks that contain sweeteners in particular increase the desire for sweets. By activating the reward system in the brain, the happiness hormone dopamine is released. Over time, a habituation effect sets in and the body constantly craves soft drinks, sweet cocktails, etc. In return, products that are not so sweet suddenly no longer seem to taste good, which leads to an unhealthier diet. Studies have also shown that drinks with sugar substitutes increase the risk of heart disease.

Popular low-calorie drinks

Water in its pure form contains no calories at all. This applies to tap water as well as still and carbonated mineral water. Mineral water is also an important source of valuable minerals such as calcium, magnesium and sodium. The situation is somewhat different with flavored water. Although the recipes differ quite significantly depending on the manufacturer, it can generally be said that the flavored versions can contain up to 200 calories per liter. Nevertheless, these drinks are still a sensible alternative to some sugary soft drinks.

Unsweetened tea is also a good choice. Whether black tea, fruit tea or herbal tea, a cup has an average of around three calories. Black coffee has a similarly good balance, also only having around six calories per cup.

There are also vegetable and fruit juices with a low sugar content on the market. A delicious and recommended example is tomato juice, which naturally contains very few calories. By heating the tomatoes during processing, the proportion of the valuable plant pigment lycopene is significantly higher than in fresh tomatoes. The antioxidant lycopene is said to have a cancer-preventing effect.

Make your own low-calorie drinks

If you want to make your own low-calorie drinks , all you really need is your favorite fruit and/or fruit juice, still or sparkling water and, if necessary, a little sweetener. A mix of water, organic lemon juice, ginger and lemon balm is wonderfully refreshing. In midsummer, watermelon is a great base, and you can also make delicious low-calorie drinks from cucumbers - refined with a little basil and lemon juice.

Low-calorie drinks: alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks in comparison

Did you know that alcohol is generally a high source of calories? There are seven calories in one gram! In comparison: one gram of fat contains just two more calories! This means that alcoholic drinks can definitely make you fat. However, despite a figure- and health-conscious lifestyle, you don't have to miss out on the delicious taste of popular alcoholic drinks.

Alternatives include the alcohol-free Aperol and the alcohol-free Limoncello from Dr. Jaglas . You can find them under the product names Herber Hibiskus and San Limello . The two alcohol-free drinks are full of high-quality ingredients and embody pure joie de vivre without alcohol and an unnecessarily high calorie content. They combine the conscious avoidance of alcohol and fattening foods with first-class enjoyment and are just as suitable for cozy moments at home as they are for wild parties. They also impressively demonstrate how creative, clever and delicious low-calorie drinks can be.

Which alcoholic drinks contain particularly high calories?

These are primarily mixed drinks and cocktails, which inherently contain high-calorie ingredients such as cola, cream or fruit syrup. By omitting alcohol, you can save a lot of calories.
Die Haltbarkeit von Alkohol: Alles, was Sie wissen sollten

The shelf life of alcohol: everything you need to know

Almost everyone has one or another spirit at home. Already opened or still unopened bottles that are perhaps only taken out of the cupboard or home bar on special occasions. But do regulations actually have to be followed when storing alcohol and how long does alcohol actually last? The following article provides the most important information to ensure that your alcoholic drinks retain their high quality for a long time.

The most important thing about the shelf life of alcohol

When we think of alcohol, we usually think of spirits . But not every drink with alcohol is also a spirit. Only drinks with a minimum alcohol content of 15 percent and which are obtained through distillation can be called spirits. There are exceptions, however. According to the law, the minimum alcohol content of eggnog is "only" 14 percent. Nevertheless, it can officially be called a spirit .

For spirits such as schnapps, liqueurs, brandies and elixirs, the general rule of thumb is that the shelf life of alcohol increases with the alcohol content. The higher it is, the longer you can keep the bottle. If it is 30 percent or more, for example, the spirit will last for several decades if stored correctly. If it is at least 37.5 percent, the shelf life of alcohol is actually virtually unlimited. This is because alcohol has very good preservative properties. It doesn't give harmful germs and bacteria a chance.

Sugar also has a preservative effect. However, it is not as strong as that of alcohol. Nevertheless, a liqueur with a very high sugar content, for example, can often be stored for several months even after opening.

Can liqueur go bad?

In principle, you should be a little careful with liqueurs - especially if they are homemade and contain ingredients that can spoil. Look closely at the composition, the recipe and the alcohol content. This applies in particular to cream and egg liqueurs as well as liqueurs with milk, which often have a relatively low alcohol content. These should only be kept for a few weeks after first opening and need to be kept in a cool, dark place: ideally in the refrigerator. If the liqueur has no perishable ingredients and an alcohol content of at least 30 percent, you generally don't have to worry. You can still enjoy the fine tipple years or even decades later, because alcohol has a longer shelf life .

Can alcohol expire, and if so, how do I know?

Fortunately, the shelf life of alcohol is relatively easy to check. If, for example, a spirit has become flaky, the individual components have separated or settled, or you notice bubbles forming in the bottle, then it is no longer advisable to consume it. The same applies if a rim has formed on the bottle or a kind of plug has formed on the neck of the bottle. If you don't notice anything unusual on the outside, test the smell and taste. If in doubt: throw it away!

Proper storage of alcohol

Proper storage is very important for alcohol to last as long as possible. You should make sure that spirits - unlike wine - are not stored lying down, but always upright. This applies to both cork and screw caps. The temperature also plays a major role; it must be cool (i.e. below 20 degrees Celsius) and absolutely constant. Temperature fluctuations can lead to a change in density.

If the environment suddenly gets a little warmer, the liquids expand. If the temperature drops, they contract. This creates a constant overpressure and underpressure in the bottle, which causes gases to be drawn out of the bottle and oxygen to be drawn into it. Ultimately, no closure is completely and 100 percent tight. The consequences: oxidation and evaporation.

When storing alcohol , make sure it is in a dark place without direct sunlight. This would also lead to temperature fluctuations, but at the same time can also have a negative effect on the flavor of the spirit . In addition, the UV rays bleach the label, which would make the bottle less valuable. A location that is too humid should also be avoided.

How do I store opened spirits?

Even opened bottles need to be stored in a cool, dark and dry place at all times. However, it is advisable to consume even high-proof spirits with an alcohol content of over 30 percent relatively quickly after opening so that you can enjoy the full taste and fine aromas to the fullest. The reason: the oxygen stimulates the oxidation process, which could affect the shelf life of opened alcohol . This can, but does not necessarily, lead to deterioration, but enthusiasts are reluctant to take the risk. There is no fixed time limit, but an open spirit should be used up after about a year.

Spirits as an investment thanks to the extremely long shelf life of alcohol

Spirits have no best-before date. Like good red wine, they actually get better over time because their aromas can then perfectly intertwine with each other. This means that the taste becomes fuller and rounder over time. Since they simply never go out of fashion and there are many passionate collectors and enthusiasts around the world, spirits are even considered an interesting investment.

Eis selber machen: Rezepte mit und ohne Alkohol

Make your own ice cream: recipes with and without alcohol

Ice cream with and without alcohol: always a delicious refreshment

A summer without ice cream and cold drinks: That's impossible, is it? One, two (or more!) scoops of ice cream and then maybe a refreshing "spritz": That's how you can cope even in tropical temperatures! Or how about a lively ice cream with alcohol? Unfortunately, the quality of store-bought ice cream sometimes leaves a lot to be desired, and the taste often has a lot of room for improvement. So why not make your own ice cream ? It's not difficult at all and tastes extremely good! We'll show you how to make your own ice cream with alcohol , but we also have great ideas for ice cream without alcohol !

Ice cream without alcohol: how to do it

Lucky for those who have an ice cream maker, because with it gourmets and those with a sweet tooth can make irresistible ice cream without alcohol with very little effort!

The simple basic recipe for ice cream without alcohol

For a heavenly creamy basic recipe that you can adapt as you like, you will need (for four portions):

The ingredients:

- 250 millilitres each of cream and milk
- 4 egg yolks (medium-sized eggs)
- 90 grams of sugar (can alternatively be replaced with the same amount of xylitol)


Bring the milk and cream to the boil and then leave to cool. Mix the egg yolks and sugar and add to the milk-cream mixture, which should not be too warm (otherwise the egg yolks will curdle!). Now place the bowl on a hot water bath, making sure that the bowl does not touch the hot water. Now beat the mixture until creamy: this takes a few minutes and works best with a flat whisk. Then cool everything in an ice-cold water bath and put it in the fridge for a good half hour.

Now add pureed fruit to taste: strawberries, raspberries or even bananas, for example. There are virtually no limits to your imagination. Tip: To prevent banana ice cream from tasting too sweet, use less sugar and stir the juice of half a lemon into the mixture! Now everything can go into the ice cream maker and you've made your own tempting ice cream without alcohol !

Fruity lemon sorbet – easy to make yourself

If you want to make great ice cream yourself without a machine , you can opt for a wonderfully fresh sorbet, for example. Sorbets are not made from milk, but contain water, sugar and often egg whites in addition to fruit. Those who are calorie-conscious in particular love making this ice cream themselves , as the fat content is significantly lower. Of course, we also have a delicious sorbet recipe for you: try this summery ice cream without alcohol !

Ingredients for four servings:

- 300 milliliters of water
- 150 grams of sugar
- 4 organic lemons
- 1 egg


Grate the lemons so that you have a teaspoon of grated peel. Boil the sugar, water and the teaspoon of peel in a saucepan until the sugar has dissolved. Now beat the egg whites until stiff and squeeze the lemons. Fold everything into the sugar mixture and allow it to cool well. Then stir with a whisk and place in the freezer for several hours. Stir every hour to prevent crystals from forming. This is another easy way to make your own ice cream without alcohol!

Ice cream with alcohol: The special treat

Would you like to make your own ice cream with alcohol? Then take a closer look at the following recipes! Let's start with what is probably the best idea for making water ice with alcohol: the gin and tonic on a stick!

Gin Tonic on a stick - the recipe

This classic becomes a light refreshment on sunny days. The gin and tonic on a stick doesn't need many ingredients and is made in no time at all. Once frozen, you can enjoy it for days.

For the tonic water ice with alcohol you need:

- 600 milliliters of tonic water
- 200 milliliters of gin (feel free to try Dr. Jaglas’ gin!)
- 100 grams of sugar
- 100 milliliters of lemon and lime juice

How to make Gin Tonic on a stick:

Heat the tonic water and stir until it is no longer carbonated. Stir in the sugar, dissolve it and let it cool down. Add the citrus juice and the gin, pour the well-mixed mixture into popsicle molds and let it freeze. You can make this ice cream with alcohol yourself if you are planning a barbecue, but of course the water ice with alcohol is also a fantastic refreshment on any other summer day!

Aperol Spritz on a stick - the recipe

A summer without Aperol Spritz is like a busy Italian piazza without Vespas - it's hard to imagine. Fill your freezer with the Italian way of life. Our Aperol Spritz on a stick brings the Tuscany holiday to your terrace just in time for the end of the day.

For the Aperol Spritz on a stick you need:

- 120 milliliters Aperol
- 120 milliliters of Prosecco
- 120 milliliters of orange juice
- 350 milliliters of water
- the juice of one lemon
- and 40 grams of sugar

Preparation of the Aperol Spritz on a stick

For this ice cream with alcohol, put it in a container and stir everything together. To make sure the water ice with alcohol is also a visual hit, fill the molds with the liquid and an orange slice each. Now let the ice cream with alcohol freeze for several hours. 

Start producing ice cream – with or without alcohol

If you make ice cream with alcohol yourself , make sure that the ice cream with alcohol is not accessible to children. Ice cream with alcohol is also not suitable for pregnant women and nursing mothers. But maybe you would like to make ice cream yourself, which the great non-alcoholic aperitifs from Dr. Jaglas? The delicious alternatives impress with their fantastic taste and are almost indistinguishable from their high-proof "siblings" such as herbal bitters , liqueurs or gin . Ideal for ice cream without alcohol with that certain something!

Gedeckter Tisch zu Ostern

Ideas for Easter brunch

Baking recipes and drinks for Easter

Easter is a time of renewal, togetherness and enjoyment. During this special time of the year, we open our hearts and homes to honour traditions and create new ones. What could be better than enriching these moments with unique taste experiences ? We invite you to celebrate the holidays in a fresh and convivial way with our non-alcoholic aperitif, San Limello .

Easter in Italian

In Italy, where Easter, or "Pasqua," is deeply rooted in rich traditions, the celebration is accompanied by special foods and drinks that bring family and friends together. From sweet pastries like Colomba Pasquale to savory dishes, Italian Easter is a true feast for the palate. Delicious non-alcoholic Easter drinks are a must.

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Inspired by the Italian joie de vivre and the world-famous Limoncello, we present you the San Limello . This non-alcoholic aperitif captures the essence of Italian spring celebrations by combining the fresh acidity of ripe lemons with a delicate citrus note and the natural sweetness of lemon and grapefruit, rounded off with a light hint of honey. The San Limello is an ode to Italian hospitality and lifestyle - the perfect drink to ring in the Easter season.

Creative drinks and recipes for Easter with San Limello

Celebrate Easter in an innovative way by incorporating San Limello as an Easter drink into your holiday cooking. We present you an exclusive baking recipe and a refreshing Easter drink , both of which highlight the unique flavors of our non-alcoholic aperitif.

Cake Recipe: Lemony San Limello Easter Cake


  • 200g flour
  • 150g sugar
  • 100ml Dr. Jaglas San Limello
  • 100ml olive oil
  • 3 eggs
  • Grated organic lemon
  • 1 teaspoon Baking powder
  • A pinch of salt


  • 100g icing sugar
  • 2 tbsp Dr. Jaglas San Limello
  • Lemon zest for decoration


  1. Preheat your oven to 180°C and grease a cake tin.
  2. Mix flour, baking powder and salt in a bowl.
  3. In another bowl, beat eggs, sugar, olive oil and San Limello until smooth.
  4. Combine the dry and wet ingredients, add the lemon zest and stir until a smooth dough forms.
  5. Pour the batter into the mold and bake for 40-45 minutes.
  6. For the glaze, mix the icing sugar and San Limello, pour over the cooled cake and garnish with lemon zest.

Cocktail Recipe: Limello Spritz – The refreshing Easter drink


  • 50ml Dr. Jaglas San Limello
  • 100ml Tonic Water
  • Ice cubes
  • A slice of lime
  • Fresh mint for garnish


  1. Fill a wine glass with ice cubes.
  2. Pour the San Limello over it.
  3. Top it up with tonic water and stir gently.
  4. Garnish with a lime slice and fresh mint.

Easter as a celebration of joie de vivre

One of the oldest and most significant festivals in the Christian calendar, Easter symbolizes hope, renewal and the awakening of life. It marks the resurrection of Jesus Christ, an event celebrated as the victory of life over death. This profound meaning is reflected in numerous customs and traditions maintained through generations. Easter coincides with the beginning of spring , a time when nature awakens to new life.

The Easter holidays offer an opportunity to pause and celebrate the joy of life, whether it's through Easter egg hunts, sharing special meals, or simply being together with loved ones. In this time of joy and new beginnings, Easter reminds us to appreciate life's small miracles and to look forward together to a hopeful future.

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The Dolce Vita as an Easter drink

With the San Limello we bring a piece of Italian culture to your home. Whether you want to reinterpret the sweet tradition of Easter cake or enjoy a refreshing aperitif, the San Limello is your ideal companion. Let's create new traditions together and celebrate the Easter season with taste, joy and the warmth of community. Dr. Jaglas stands for quality, naturalness and a real taste experience. Discover the joys of Easter with us - with a touch of Italian elegance and the purity of spring. Want to try even more? Give our aperitifs as a gift in a low-cost bundle for even more variety.

Experience an Easter season full of variety of flavors and joy with San Limello. Let us immerse ourselves in the world of flavors together and revitalize Easter traditions with a modern, health-conscious twist. Dr. Jaglas wishes you and your loved ones a happy and enjoyable Easter.

Geschenkideen zum Muttertag

Gift ideas for Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day: Gift ideas and useful information

We celebrate Mother's Day every second Sunday in May. On this day we show our mother how much we love her and how grateful we are to her. We should do this all year round, but Mother's Day is a great opportunity to take some time for the woman who gave us life, in between all the stress of everyday life and our jam-packed schedules.

What is the best Mother’s Day gift?

A Mother's Day gift should come from the heart and be chosen with love. A bouquet of flowers bought at the last minute at the gas station, which already makes you feel a little sad, is therefore a completely unsuitable gift idea. If you have no idea at all and don't want to buy the obligatory box of chocolates from the supermarket like you have done in all the years before, you could simply give your mum a surprise for Mother's Day by giving them time together.

Examples of Mother's Day gifts that are usually very well received are a nice Sunday outing (perhaps followed by coffee), a meal in a fine restaurant or a day spent together devoted to your mother's hobby. You could cook or bake with your mum, work in the garden or do sports: depending on what she likes to do most in her free time and what she usually does alone.

Or how about a visit to a great wellness temple for two? Vouchers for various shops are often a last resort as a Mother's Day gift, but if you combine it with a joint shopping trip and take a whole day to browse to your heart's content in chic shops with your mother, the voucher becomes a real "gift from the heart".

Gift ideas for Mother’s Day from afar

Sometimes it is not easy to give a Mother's Day gift that involves doing activities together. Perhaps because the distance is so great and the mother lives in another city. Or because you are very busy at work and cannot take time off for Mother's Day.

In such cases, the best thing to do for Mother's Day is to get a stylish and personal gift that you can send to your mum by post if necessary. Classics include perfume, luxury cosmetics, a bouquet of flowers and a card with kind words. Isn't that original enough for you? Presents with a personal engraving are very trendy for Mother's Day and have not only material but also sentimental value. From fashionable jewellery to decorative serving boards for the kitchen, anything is possible these days.

Express your gratitude with engraved drinking glasses: for example for wine, beer, cocktails or spirits. There are now numerous providers on the Internet where you can easily choose an engraving for a glass online. For example, choose your mother's first name or initials and the year she was born. A short, loving dedication also looks great on a glass. Perhaps combined with an engraved heart?

Herbal liqueurs for Mother's Day - give something special

So that your mother can enjoy a good tipple from her new glass, surprise her with a suitable drink. At Dr. Jaglas, for example, you can get The finest herbal bitters with select bitter herbs. Not only do they taste fantastic, but the power of nature also has a positive effect on your well-being. This is a signal to your mother: It is important to me that you are well!
Many women and mothers also love fruity liqueurs such as the Dr. Jaglas Apple-Mallow Elixir , which delights the palate neat, as a long drink, "spritz" and even on sorbet or ice cream.

Your mother doesn't drink alcohol? Then order her a non-alcoholic aperitif from Dr. Jaglas as a Mother's Day gift ! The next time you meet and toast together, you can also express your gratitude for your mother's love and care. Because that's exactly what should always be the focus, not just on Mother's Day!

Back to ancient times - Why do we celebrate Mother's Day?

The origins can be traced back to ancient times, because even then people celebrated festivals in honor of the divine mothers. For the ancient Greeks, for example, it was the goddess Rhea, the mother of Zeus, and for the Romans it was the great mother of the gods Cybele.

Mother’s Day as we know it today

However, the official founder of Mother's Day is considered to be the American Methodist Anna Marie Jarvis, who held the first "Memorial Mothers Day Meeting" on May 12, 1907. It was the Sunday after the second anniversary of her beloved mother's death. At the same time a year later, she organized a service for all mothers - living and deceased - and distributed 500 white carnations to the women in front of the church.

Over the next few years, she fought tirelessly for her goal of creating an official Mother's Day . And indeed, it was introduced in the USA in 1914. Many other countries followed suit. For example, Switzerland in 1917, Germany in 1923 and Austria in 1924. Since then, Mother's Day has been a firm tradition in honor of all mothers. Although it is neither a legal nor a religious holiday, the second Sunday in May is still deeply anchored in people's minds.